our goal is to be the last lawn care company you’ll ever need to hire

Meet your Green Meadow Lawn Care team

  • Fully Licensed

    CT DEEP Operators License, Ornamental & Turf Supervisory License

    Arborist Supervisory Licens

    Mosquito Supervisory License

  • Local Farm-Family Owned

    Cousins Brian and Nate are in the 5th generation of a local farming family right here in Ellington, CT.

    Brian’s mother and Nate’s Aunt Carole has been with Green Meadow Lawn Care since day 1 with Nate and has been our Office Manager since 2007.

  • Community Trust

    Operating since 2007, Green Meadow Lawn Care is proud to service over 3,000 lawns in the Ellington area including both residential and commercial.

  • Experienced Lawn Experts

    Our team holds a combined 150+ years of experience in the lawn care industry.

our history

Raised as a 5th generation farmer in Ellington CT, Nate Bahler knew from a very young age the value of hard work, being honest and keeping commitments.

In 2007, with his cousin Tom Gerber, Nate founded Green Meadow Lawn Care. In 2015, Tom’s brother Brian took over Tom’s shares and responsibilities.

With an emphasis on customer service first, Nate and Brian have since grown Green Meadow Lawn Care from 219 customers in 2015 to now over 3,500 customers in the Tolland County area.

meet our team

  • Nate Bahler

    Owner & Founder - 17 years industry experience

  • Brian Gerber

    Owner & Manager - 12 years industry experience

  • Dave Schwarm

    Customer Service Manager - 35 years industry experience

  • Art Staples

    Operations Manager - 36 years Management Experience

  • Dave Burdick

    Lawn Specialist - 19 years industry experience

  • Chris Wheeler

    Lawn Specialist - 7 years industry experience

  • Rob Soucie

    Lawn Specialist - 9 years industry experience

  • Fred Caswell

    Lawn Specialist - 14 years industry experience

  • Chris Hunt

    Lawn Specialist

  • William Walsh

    Lawn Specialist - 2 years industry experience

  • Ryan Small

    Lawn Specialist - 9 years industry experience

  • David Misorski

    Tick & Mosquito Specialist - 7 years industry experience

  • Michael Giangreco

    Lawn Specialist - 11 years industry experience

  • Kent Andre

    Lawn Specialist

  • Sammie Arost

    Tick & Mosquito Specialist

  • Damien Lugo

    Lawn Specialist

  • Carole Gerber

    Office Manager - 17 years industry experience

  • Kim Dikeman

    Office Manager

  • Karen Hunt

    Office Specialist - 6 years industry experience

  • A.d. Dombroski

    Content Marketing Manager - 9 years marketing experience

join our team

Find a rewarding career, home and future here! We believe in treating our team members with respect, dignity and a deep level of appreciation.