Lawn Disease Control Program

Why do we need Lawn Disease Control?

In 2023 & 2024 we experienced very wet & hot Summers.  This created ideal conditions for diseases to grow and damage lawns.

Unfortunately, that has left behind spores/ fungi that will likely reemerge from the soil and damage lawns in 2025. 

  • Weather Based Timing

    We will begin applications once conditions become favorable for disease growth. This usually begins in mid-late May.

  • 3-Step Approach

    3 targeted fungicide applications will be done 21-28 days apart from May-July.

  • Complimentary Service Calls

    Should lawn disease issues arise in between services, we will provide complimentary service calls to address the problem promptly.

  • Advanced & Effective Products

    We combine 3 of the most effective products into a special blend for disease prevention & control.


  • You need 3 components for any turf grass disease or pathogen to take over.  They are:

    1. Susceptible Host: This is your grass. Some grass varieties are more susceptible to disease than others.

    2. Fungal Pathogen Spores: Here we do not have a lot of control - pathogens are naturally present in the environment

    3. Environmental Factors: This can include both the weather and your property:

      • lawn thatch

      • lawn drainage

      • excessive heat and humidity

  • Our Premium Disease Control Program is highly recommended for all that have a history of disease damage.

    It is designed to protect your lawn from harmful diseases during the critical late spring and summer months.

    • Red Thread

    • Dollar Spot

    • Leaf Spot

    • Patch Disease (Brown Patch and Summer Patch)

    • Pythium Blight

    • Fusarium

  • We use a proprietary 3-product program designed specifically for our climate and region to prevent and treat lawn diseases.

    This program includes phosphite as a preventative, along with two broad-spectrum products that act as both curative and preventatives.

    Together, these three products work in synergy to protect your lawn from a wide range of lawn damaging diseases.

Before & After

Damaging vs Non-Damaging Lawn Diseases

Damaging Lawn Diseases

Patch Disease

Patch disease thrives in warm, humid conditions, turning green lawns into unsightly brown patches. Affected grass may appear purplish-green before fading and flattening.

Common in fescue, ryegrass, bluegrass, and more, it spreads quickly in wet weather. Contact us to discuss effective fungicide treatments and protect your lawn.

Non-Damaging Lawn Diseases

Red Thread

Red thread appears as irregular red or tan patches in cool, wet conditions (40–70°F). This fungal disease creates pinkish-red thread-like strands on grass but is mostly cosmetic. No fungicide is needed—proper fertilization will help your lawn recover naturally. A balanced nutrient plan keeps your turf healthy and resilient.


Lawn rust appears as an orange or red powder on grass blades, thriving in mild, humid conditions from spring through fall. It’s most severe when turf is stressed or undernourished. While unsightly, it’s not harmful—proper fertilization will help your lawn recover naturally. No fungicide is needed for treatment.

Pythium Blight

Pythium blight strikes fast in hot, humid conditions, quickly destroying turf. It thrives in poor drainage and prolonged leaf wetness, causing sudden, severe damage. Without treatment, it spreads aggressively. If you notice signs, act immediately—fungicide is essential. Call our office ASAP to protect your lawn from devastation.

Dollar Spot

Dollar spot appears as silver dollar-sized tan or whitish patches, thriving in warm days (60–90°F) and mild nights (50°F+). Left untreated, patches can merge into larger irregular areas. Affected grass blades develop distinct tan bands with reddish-brown edges. Proper fertilization helps your lawn recover—no fungicide needed.

Snow Mold

Snow mold develops beneath winter snow, revealing damage as it melts. It thrives in cool, wet conditions but is mostly cosmetic. Lightly rake affected areas once grass starts growing, and your current fertilizer treatment will help recovery. No fungicide is needed—your lawn will bounce back with proper care.

what our customers are saying

  • The Green Meadow Lawn Team is fantastic! I’ve used many different lawn care services in the past 10 years and Green Meadow Lawn Care is by far the best-from the office staff to the workers -they are friendly, helpful, reliable, and best of all knowledgeable and priced reasonable! Give them a try, you won’t regret it!

    Ray B

  • Dave was on time and treated the lawn for our second treatment. We are new customers and are impressed by the results so far. He made sure to blow off all the walks and driveway before leaving. Great company, great results so far.

    Christine J

  • I switched lawn services to Green Meadow a couple years ago and I could not be happier. The service (Chris-technician) is excellent and my lawn looks great. I would highly recommend this company!

    Kevin Sutton

got a spotty, disease ridden lawn?