Green Meadow Lawn Care in the Community

With strong ties to the local community, owners Nate and Brian are passionate about giving back.

Green Meadow Lawn Care - Ellington Community Outreach

Ellington Human Services

Each year we save our bottle returns in order to donate gift cards to Ellington Human Services. The gift cards are distributed to local families each holiday season.

Ellington Human Services accepts donations year round for their community-based programs.

Lawn care for troops

Green Meadow Lawn Care is proud to work with Project Evergreen each year to service a lawn for an active-duty deployed community member in need.

Green Meadow Lawn Care, Ellington Community Outreach

Wreaths across america

Wreath laying ceremonies are carried out each December to honor our fallen US veterans.

Ellington community members gather to honor our local heroes.

Thanksgiving Day Race

In cooperation with Drainage Experts, we support the Crystal Lake Food Drive by running a turkey trot and collecting food items for the pantry.